Follow the steps below to download the documents from your Stavvy File/Order!
Step 1: Log in to
Note: If you attempt to access Stavvy and see the Tasks page, you are logged into the Signer Portal. If you don't see Back to Account in the upper left, click your name in the upper right and Sign Out then log in to Stavvy
Step 2: On the left menu, click Orders. Select the Order.
- If the Order is marked complete, it can be found in Completed.
- If the Order isn't marked complete, it can be found in In Progress.
Step 4: Click the Filters button on the right from the Documents tab.
Step 5: Click the Status drop-down and select Certified. This will filter the Documents list to the signed documents.
Step 6: Select the documents you wish to download by checking off the boxes on the left. To select all documents, check off the box at the top.
Step 7: Click the Download button
Step 8: Documents will be saved in a Zip folder to your Downloads folder.
Step 9: Access the Zip folder downloaded to your browser or computer
Note: The files will be downloaded as individual files. Certified documents cannot be edited, and cannot be combined/merged via document editing software (Adobe etc.)
Troubleshooting Missing Documents
If you are missing signed document(s), the document may have been uploaded directly to the Meeting. In Step 4, instead of going to the Documents tab, click the Meetings tab.
If you are still missing signed document(s), confirm you filtered to the Certified status in Step 5.
For further assistance, contact our Support Team at or click the Help button in the corner.
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