Follow the steps below to submit a Title Order to Stavvy with Encompass!
1. Click the Services tab on the right
- Select Order Doc Preparation
- From the All Providers tab find and select Stavvy
2. Click Add to My List
- Stavvy can then be found in the My Providers tab (favorited list for easy access)
- Select Stavvy and click Submit to launch the iFrame
4. Check off the checkbox for Title
- A closing package must first be sent to Stavvy prior to creating a settlement order.
5. Enter the Order Details
Enter the Title Due Date and select the Title Vendor
- If the Vendor is not listed click Invite the organization to connect and follow the steps. The Vendor does not need to accept the request prior to being able to assign the order to them, as soon as they are created they may be assigned.
- Assigning a Loan Processor is an optional field
- All of the details under Basic Info is pulled from the loan in Encompass
Scrolling down to Document Selection you can click the Add Documents button to upload documents
- You are able to create the order without selecting documents
Documents from the eFolder will show on the Select Documents and Files screen
When Title uploads documents to the file in Stavvy they will show here as well
- Documents from the File Manager will not show here
Documents can also be uploaded from your computer
- Select the documents and Click Upload
When Title uploads documents to the file in Stavvy they will show here as well
Note: In the Stavvy iFrame you will see your uploaded documents
6. Click Create Order
A message can be sent to the Vendor
- Click Skip to not send a message
7. Review the File Details page
All of the information here is pulled from Encompass
Clicking Sync data to Stavvy button will sync any updates made in Encompass to Stavvy
- This will also sync updates the vendor has made to the order that do not update automatically while we are still in the iFrame
Clicking Sync data to Stavvy button will sync any updates made in Encompass to Stavvy
All of the information here is pulled from Encompass
The Title Order will show in Pending status until the Vendor accepts the order
- Clicking the ellipses (three dots) to the right there is also the option to reassign the order to another vendor or cancel the order
- A Settlement Order can only be added to the Title Order once the closing documents have been generated in Encompass. Note in the screenshot below, the + Add order button is disabled.
There are 2 separate tabs here for Title Documents and Settlement documents
Clicking into the Title order documents tab we should see the documents we uploaded upon the order creation
Click the + Add Documents button to add additional documents
- When adding additional documents to the order, you must use a new/different document name or the new upload will replace the old document as a more recent version. Read more on Document Versions here.
Click the + Add Documents button to add additional documents
Clicking into the Title order documents tab we should see the documents we uploaded upon the order creation
- Exit iFrame by clicking either the Exit button or the X
- Click Edit in Stavvy to launch Stavvy in your browser
- Once Title has completed the title order, the Title company should mark the order as complete
- We will see the Order status has been updated to Complete in the iFrame
Navigating Through Orders in Stavvy
- Find Orders on the left-hand panel of any Stavvy page
- There are four tabs towards the top: Pending, In Progress, Favorites, Completed
- Pending will be any orders not yet accepted
- In Progress are the orders that you are currently working on and have not yet marked “Complete”
- Favorites is any order that you clicked the star on to “favorite”
- Completed will be where all of your orders marked “Complete” will fall for you to look back at later on when as needed
- Orders can be searched by: Loan number, Lender, Property, or Borrowers
- This information stays stored in Stavvy for a minimum of 10 years
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