Review this guide for troubleshooting scenarios and best practices
Redrawing Documents
Has a Closing Meeting been added to a Settlement Order?
When documents need adjusting on a Settlement Order, the steps to take depend on if a Closing Meeting has been added to the Order. To check this, from the Order/File, scroll down on the Details tab.
If a Meeting has been created from the Order you will see it under the Meetings tab:
If that area is blank, there has not been a Meeting created on this Order.
Redrawing Documents before Title has created a Meeting
Situation: Lender Documents have been rejected in the Pre Meeting Quality Control review, and need to be redrawn, before the Title Company creates a Closing Meeting.
- In Encompass, make necessary corrections to the documents and redraw the Closing Package to Stavvy
- When redrawn Documents are sent back to Stavvy, the Lender admin will be emailed notifying them of this
- When Title creates a Meeting from this Order, the redrawn Documents will show as an option to include in the Meeting, the rejected documents will not
Redrawing Documents after Title has created a Meeting
Situation: Lender Documents have been rejected in the Pre Meeting Quality Control review, and need to be redrawn, after the Title Company has created a Closing Meeting.
- In Encompass, make necessary corrections to the documents and redraw the Closing Package to Stavvy
- When redrawn Documents are sent back to Stavvy, the Lender admin will be emailed notifying them of this
- Lender should use Messages within the File to send notification to the Title Company that the Documents are ready to be pushed to the Meeting
- From the Order, Title will click on the Documents tab
- Title will select the Documents that should be eSignable via the Settlement Meeting by clicking the check box beside the document
- Then click the Move to Meeting button
Accidentally Rejecting an Order
Situation: A settlement order is received, and the Title Company accidentally rejects it
- The Title Company needs to reach out to the Lender outside of Stavvy (email, phone, etc) and let them know this was accidentally rejected
- Once an Order has been rejected, the Title Company will lose access to it
- The Lending Closer needs to go to the rejected File, and Reopen the Settlement Order, notify Title Company that this is ready to accept
- The Title Company needs to reach out to the Lender outside of Stavvy (email, phone, etc) and let them know this was accidentally rejected
- Lender can use the same action button to Reassign the order to a different vendor if needed
- Lender should reach out to Title Company to let them know this is now ready to accept
Pre-Meeting Quality Control Review isn't showing as an option on the File Documents
Situation: Either Lender or Title doesn't see the option to perform a pre-meeting quality control review of documents
Solution: Head to Settings > Organization and enable Pre-Meeting Quality Control
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