How to tag documents for electronic signing
Applying Annotations
1. From the Meeting or eSign packet page, click + Add document
2. Click the ellipses (three dots) to the right, and select View and annotate
3. Select the Assignee name on the right and drag over the appropriate fields (signature, name, date, initials, etc)
4. Repeat with additional Assignees
5. Click Mark ready to sign when complete
Annotation Types
There are 10 annotation field options available in Stavvy, four being notary-specific fields.
Full Name: Will show the typed-out printed name
Signature: This field will apply the signer's typed, drawn, or uploaded signature
Initials: Will add the signer's initials to the document
Date: This field will apply the date that the signer applied their annotations
Text Field: With the text field, you have the ability to type in information for the signer to fill in. This annotation can be marked as required or optional.
Checkbox: Add a checkbox anywhere on your document to illustrate a selection. This field can be marked as required or optional.
Notary-specific fields:
Seal: This will apply the notary's digital seal, as seen in their Notary Profile
Commission Number: Will show the notary's commission number
Commission Expiration: This will show the expiration date of the notary's commission
Commission State: The state that the notary is commissioned in will be applied
If the below Annotations have been added to the document, please note which fields are required to fill out by the signer(s) to finalize the document:
- Signature
- Initials
- Required Text Field
- Required Checkbox
- Seal
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