Find out about our latest product updates. In this release, we've improved our Day-of Meeting Reminder Email Update, and fixed a few bugs.
Date: August 8, 2023
Release Contents
- Product Enhancements
Day-of Meeting Reminder Email Update
- Bug Fixes
Add to Calendar Button in Meeting Emails
Signing Order Notifications
Certify Documents with Rotated Pages
Product Enhancements
Check this section for minor feature updates and improvements we’ve made to Stavvy!
Day-of Meeting Reminder Email Update
What changed?: We’ve updated our day-of meeting reminder emails to leverage our new email templates. Signers will get an email on the day of their meeting with information about how to join the meeting and what they should do to prepare.
Area of the Product: Meetings, Notifications
Impacted Users: Signers
Bug Fixes
Whoops - our bad! Here’s the latest list of bugs we’ve squashed.
Add to Calendar Button in Meeting Emails
What was fixed?: We had an issue with the “Add to Calendar” button in our meeting invite emails directing to a broken URL. We’ve fixed this issue so that signers and notaries can easily add a Stavvy meeting to their personal calendars.
Area of the Product: Meetings, Notifications
Impacted Users: Signers, Notaries
Signing Order Notifications
What was fixed?: Signers set as the second or greater signer in a packet with a signing order were not automatically being invited to sign when it was their turn to sign. This notification has been fixed.
Area of the Product: eSign
Impacted Users: Signers
Certify Documents with Rotated Pages
What was fixed?: We were previously preventing documents with rotated pages from being certified. If your document is in landscape view or contains a rotated page you should now be able to sign and certify that document.
Area of the Product: Documents
Impacted Users: Notaries, eSign Packet creators
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